Yeah, yeah, yeah..look who finally decided to return after his long "whoa look how long our 1 day supply of oil lasted, like 8 days, cool bra.." stupid holiday. Yes folks my bounty hunters finally found, bound and snared my pet, Jewgr. Without any further acknowledgement what-so-ever.....
"Well here we go again. I just recently moved to a small town somewhere below the Mason Dickson line. I made the mistake of letting on to a neighbor that I was Jewish and after a rather uncomfortable pause he looked dead in the eye and said “you people killed my lord”. Now, I could have come up with the standard answer, no it was the Romans but if you think about it he was right, we did kill Jesus. Let’s face it, he was a trouble maker. Healing people on the Sabbath, throwing the money lenders out of the Temple . Rendering unto Caesar. But wait, wasn’t his death preordained? Wasn’t this God’s plan all along? We were just following orders. Instead of being persecuted all these years we should be congratulated, a pat on our collective backs would be nice. But some how I don’t see that happening. Maybe I should just hide my horns under my hat, put my tail between my legs and move out of this town. "-Jewgr
Maybe you shouldn't have tried escaping! Serves you right you lazy, good for no..oh sorry, private meeting folks.
No menorah lights for YOU!!hahahahaha!
1 comment:
When I meet Jews, I just say "You got your chocolate in my peanut butter." Breaks the ice, if anything.
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