Great googly moogly. I do not know what else to say. A headline in Yahoo odd news states GM Envisions Driverless Cars. Say huh, what? I thought the launch of the Nova in Spanish speaking countries was a good one. No va literally means it doesn't go, sweet! Go marketing team. Now this. With my recent Chevy experience this seems to be their goal anyway. With not one, but two chevy truck transmission breakdowns. It all makes sense now. My trucks got wind of the driverless GM vision. They MUST have looked at each other and thought "Driverless, YES!" Mine, however took it a step further with DRIVELESS! I always knew my trucks were smart, little did I know. They're smarter! What else could GM's vision be of use to? Hmm...how about rudderless ships? Beerless beer? Coffeeless coffee? You know what? Fuck it! I vote for peopleless people. We are such a messy bunch that doeas nothing, but come up with STUPID ideas! Let's just cut to the chase. Some peopleless people I'd like to read about: Britneyless Britney, Parisless Paris, Lindsayless Lindsay. Ha! I could go on for days, but how about my commenter friends send in a few?
1 comment:
I have a solution with your problems with Chevy (UGH!) trucks - buy a Ford!
Gina's Dad
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