Much to the dismay of all of us supporting Tionna, the problem currently facing her has taken a turn for the worse. A friend and confidant, by all appearances, has violated her trust. There was a message left by Julia Allison on Michael Hirschorn’s FaceBook profile that in essence congratulated him on the creation of his new company called Ish Entertainment, the same company that is so close in name to Tionna’s Talk Dat Ish Entertainment. Now, I will leave the Hirschorn story coverage to SLC Outsider since Tionna is in close talks with Adam Streeter of SLCO. I want to focus on what certainly looks like Julia Allison hanging on to Hirschorn’s, and/or Tionna’s, star. The problem with Julia’s message to Michael is the fact that Julia not only knew of Tionna’s Talk Dat Ish Entertainment, but Tionna indicates that Julia was part of the pitch. With this singular post (actual FaceBook post is up on SLCO) Julia appears to hitch her wagon to Tionna’s rising star one minute only to jump ship when Hirschorn wants to take the name and run. Again, I am not going to question the motives of Hirschorn, but there is clear woman on woman underhandedness. There is also a woman using a man for whatever he has to offer and possibly offering up her “assets” to his new company as well. I quote assets for good reason; one need only search the Web for pictures of Julia. (Let me state again, for the record this is my opinion.) Some of her pictures make me feel personally acquainted with her JA T&A. Feeling that way, and writing that, is upsetting. She is a Star Editor at large, yet resorts to displaying herself like that for attention. Does she feel so empty inside that she needs the incessant flattery on her looks? Or is she so vain that we all are supposed to love her as much as she loves herself? Does she think so lowly of Tionna to use her as a stepping stone? I can’t answer any of that, but there is a lot to be said for keeping up appearances and closely guarding your reputation in person and online. However, I do know that women as a whole will continue to have problems with the figurative glass ceiling with so many objectify themselves. Oh well, it’s just that much more of a challenge for the rest of us, male and female alike, to interact with each other in a politically correct fashion while all buttoned up in a corporate setting.
A final thought in parting, a morally bankrupt executive is not a new concept in this world and is readily accepted without much pause, but a friend backstabbing or undermining you is a still a bitter pill. Tionna you have my full support, meager as it may be, in this fight for your good name and your company’s name.
A final thought in parting, a morally bankrupt executive is not a new concept in this world and is readily accepted without much pause, but a friend backstabbing or undermining you is a still a bitter pill. Tionna you have my full support, meager as it may be, in this fight for your good name and your company’s name.
*image courtesy of Flickr
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