Check out this piece of awesomeness that was in my bulk mail. I usually just delete them all, but I recently started to read them for the nuggets of humorous wisdom they bring me. Enjoy!
Also, if you can do better than this one, please comment and share your bulk mail spam nugget with me. Love it!
This is an email from Palilla Nolan
Subject: cuticular
Doownloadable Softwware
By the president to recruit an army of state troops, mansions,delightful chambers, variegated gardens, lay, but in a momentshe found out: the eyes of of bhrigu, and exterminate thekshatriyas who exerting himself with vigour in battle, resistedlady, said hamish, with the same proud fierceness, in thevicinity, they (our enemies) will not believe of all wieldersof weapons riding on his car, when he drew the string, andwhen he let them the desired effect of compelling the government
Monday, January 28, 2008
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Things That Don't Exist, But I Want: GrandPop Soda

The current beverage craze is all about energizing yourself. This is not for me. I want to relax; I do not need anything that will give me enough energy to actually go through with my mid-afternoon fantasy of shrink wrapping my boss to her chair. (Seriously, what a menace.)What is so wrong with desiring a soda that is not diet, is not called zero and is not oddly gin-like in appearance? No soda worth its weight in industrial waste water should contain ginseng, gotu kola or B-12. B-12? That's a vitamin. How did that sneak in? This is a direct violation of CFJR (Code of Federal Junk Regulations) Title 5,218 section 691.1379: Any healthful additives introduced into consumer junk food shall be deemed adulterated and subject to comfiscation by the JJA (Junk and Junk Administration) and the company may be fined.
Personally I am glad I discovered GrandPop in the supermarket. GrandPop is everything a soda pop should be. It's a carbonated palate scrubbing jubilation that's comprised of sugar, reclaimed nuclear reactor water, FD&C Brown Lake 45 and alcohol. Mm, mm, good.
Nothing makes me want ot sit on the front porch and rock away while shouting at neighborhood kids as much as GrandPop.
Personally I am glad I discovered GrandPop in the supermarket. GrandPop is everything a soda pop should be. It's a carbonated palate scrubbing jubilation that's comprised of sugar, reclaimed nuclear reactor water, FD&C Brown Lake 45 and alcohol. Mm, mm, good.
Nothing makes me want ot sit on the front porch and rock away while shouting at neighborhood kids as much as GrandPop.
*Photo courtesy of
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
The Less Than Noble Actions of Some Women

Much to the dismay of all of us supporting Tionna, the problem currently facing her has taken a turn for the worse. A friend and confidant, by all appearances, has violated her trust. There was a message left by Julia Allison on Michael Hirschorn’s FaceBook profile that in essence congratulated him on the creation of his new company called Ish Entertainment, the same company that is so close in name to Tionna’s Talk Dat Ish Entertainment. Now, I will leave the Hirschorn story coverage to SLC Outsider since Tionna is in close talks with Adam Streeter of SLCO. I want to focus on what certainly looks like Julia Allison hanging on to Hirschorn’s, and/or Tionna’s, star. The problem with Julia’s message to Michael is the fact that Julia not only knew of Tionna’s Talk Dat Ish Entertainment, but Tionna indicates that Julia was part of the pitch. With this singular post (actual FaceBook post is up on SLCO) Julia appears to hitch her wagon to Tionna’s rising star one minute only to jump ship when Hirschorn wants to take the name and run. Again, I am not going to question the motives of Hirschorn, but there is clear woman on woman underhandedness. There is also a woman using a man for whatever he has to offer and possibly offering up her “assets” to his new company as well. I quote assets for good reason; one need only search the Web for pictures of Julia. (Let me state again, for the record this is my opinion.) Some of her pictures make me feel personally acquainted with her JA T&A. Feeling that way, and writing that, is upsetting. She is a Star Editor at large, yet resorts to displaying herself like that for attention. Does she feel so empty inside that she needs the incessant flattery on her looks? Or is she so vain that we all are supposed to love her as much as she loves herself? Does she think so lowly of Tionna to use her as a stepping stone? I can’t answer any of that, but there is a lot to be said for keeping up appearances and closely guarding your reputation in person and online. However, I do know that women as a whole will continue to have problems with the figurative glass ceiling with so many objectify themselves. Oh well, it’s just that much more of a challenge for the rest of us, male and female alike, to interact with each other in a politically correct fashion while all buttoned up in a corporate setting.
A final thought in parting, a morally bankrupt executive is not a new concept in this world and is readily accepted without much pause, but a friend backstabbing or undermining you is a still a bitter pill. Tionna you have my full support, meager as it may be, in this fight for your good name and your company’s name.
A final thought in parting, a morally bankrupt executive is not a new concept in this world and is readily accepted without much pause, but a friend backstabbing or undermining you is a still a bitter pill. Tionna you have my full support, meager as it may be, in this fight for your good name and your company’s name.
*image courtesy of Flickr
Monday, January 21, 2008
Perp Walkin' at the Supermarket

Perp Walkin’ at the Supermarket
Let’s start with me stating that I hate grocery shopping. Hate, hate, hate. I hate it only slightly less than clothing shopping. And I hate clothing shopping only slightly less than I imagine what bamboo rammed under my fingernails would feel like. Hey, I’ve gotten splinters under my nails before, so I’m multiplying that feeling by a few thousand. Whatever, back to torture of the green grocer variety. Actually it’s not torturous if you perp watch, yes, perp watch. There are crimes against nature, fashion and food all under one roof. Sundays during football season are truly spectacular! I’m going to break down a few humanoid varieties that I usually see.
The Harried Mom:
Clothes: acid washed, pleated, yanked up to the sternum, mom jeans, the Z Cavariccis of the over the hill fashion backward mom; a pet hair encrusted, baby food stained tee shirt or sweat shirt depending on the weather; dirty, outdated sneakers
Hair: almost always a poorly styled 80’s layered jobbie, a bit of a Joe Dirt serious in front, party in back look, sometimes with a pony tail with frizz sticking out
Body Type: flabby arms, saggy tits, mom belly, disproportionately wide ass, thunder thighs, cankles
Personality: hasn’t had one since before children, a blank vacant stare will greet you
Accessories: a pocket book that matches nothing on this planet, possibly a diaper bag, screaming toddler
Crime Committed Against: nature for reproducing, fashion
(before you all go schizo thinking I’m picking on people, I’m a Harried Mom and I totally own that shit too, ha!)
The Rather be Watching Football Man:
Clothes: raggedy sports jersey, quite possibly one he wore in high school; jeans that have seen better days; really ugly, old sneakers
Hair: if there is any, it needs to be cut
Body Type: residual muscular biceps, man boobs, beer belly, chicken legs
Personality: dazed and confused, they will ask a Harried Mom and all store clerks a lot of food questions
Accessories: mini me teenage boy
Crime Committed Against: fashion
Mid-life Crisis First Wife Replacement Barbie
Clothes: Italian brand names you can’t afford
Hair: platinum blonde
Body Type: silicone, silicone, silicone
Personality: effervescent vapidity
Accessories: pissed off step kids that are nearly her age, she’s a year away from graduation-yay!
Crime Committed Against: fashion, the first wife and kids
Melon Thumping Charmin Squeezer (male or female)
Clothes: thrift store, hand me downs
Hair: sorely outdated
Body Type: skinny-fat, hunched over
Personality: completely non-vocal, some grunting and grinning during squeezing, darting eyes
Accessories: straw tote bag for shopping
Crimes Committed Against: fashion, fruit
The Little Old Lady
Clothes: woolen
Hair: blue, permed
Body Type: little, teeny, tiny thing
Personality: pleasant to your face, badger like if you get too close to what they want
Accessories: umbrella
Crime Committed Against: you, don’t try to help them or you’ll get thwacked with an umbrella and possibly mowed over by a large 1970’s Cadillac
The Pack Hunters (males and females)
Clothes: expensive, urban, tags may still be on
Hair: long, shiny and gelled
Body Type: in gym body shape
Personality: too cool for you; scare the hell out of you in a dark alley
Accessories: big gold jewelry
Crimes Committed Against: their records have been sealed
Let’s start with me stating that I hate grocery shopping. Hate, hate, hate. I hate it only slightly less than clothing shopping. And I hate clothing shopping only slightly less than I imagine what bamboo rammed under my fingernails would feel like. Hey, I’ve gotten splinters under my nails before, so I’m multiplying that feeling by a few thousand. Whatever, back to torture of the green grocer variety. Actually it’s not torturous if you perp watch, yes, perp watch. There are crimes against nature, fashion and food all under one roof. Sundays during football season are truly spectacular! I’m going to break down a few humanoid varieties that I usually see.
The Harried Mom:
Clothes: acid washed, pleated, yanked up to the sternum, mom jeans, the Z Cavariccis of the over the hill fashion backward mom; a pet hair encrusted, baby food stained tee shirt or sweat shirt depending on the weather; dirty, outdated sneakers
Hair: almost always a poorly styled 80’s layered jobbie, a bit of a Joe Dirt serious in front, party in back look, sometimes with a pony tail with frizz sticking out
Body Type: flabby arms, saggy tits, mom belly, disproportionately wide ass, thunder thighs, cankles
Personality: hasn’t had one since before children, a blank vacant stare will greet you
Accessories: a pocket book that matches nothing on this planet, possibly a diaper bag, screaming toddler
Crime Committed Against: nature for reproducing, fashion
(before you all go schizo thinking I’m picking on people, I’m a Harried Mom and I totally own that shit too, ha!)
The Rather be Watching Football Man:
Clothes: raggedy sports jersey, quite possibly one he wore in high school; jeans that have seen better days; really ugly, old sneakers
Hair: if there is any, it needs to be cut
Body Type: residual muscular biceps, man boobs, beer belly, chicken legs
Personality: dazed and confused, they will ask a Harried Mom and all store clerks a lot of food questions
Accessories: mini me teenage boy
Crime Committed Against: fashion
Mid-life Crisis First Wife Replacement Barbie
Clothes: Italian brand names you can’t afford
Hair: platinum blonde
Body Type: silicone, silicone, silicone
Personality: effervescent vapidity
Accessories: pissed off step kids that are nearly her age, she’s a year away from graduation-yay!
Crime Committed Against: fashion, the first wife and kids
Melon Thumping Charmin Squeezer (male or female)
Clothes: thrift store, hand me downs
Hair: sorely outdated
Body Type: skinny-fat, hunched over
Personality: completely non-vocal, some grunting and grinning during squeezing, darting eyes
Accessories: straw tote bag for shopping
Crimes Committed Against: fashion, fruit
The Little Old Lady
Clothes: woolen
Hair: blue, permed
Body Type: little, teeny, tiny thing
Personality: pleasant to your face, badger like if you get too close to what they want
Accessories: umbrella
Crime Committed Against: you, don’t try to help them or you’ll get thwacked with an umbrella and possibly mowed over by a large 1970’s Cadillac
The Pack Hunters (males and females)
Clothes: expensive, urban, tags may still be on
Hair: long, shiny and gelled
Body Type: in gym body shape
Personality: too cool for you; scare the hell out of you in a dark alley
Accessories: big gold jewelry
Crimes Committed Against: their records have been sealed
*photo courtesy of Flickr
Friday, January 18, 2008
Toon Ups

Adam was last seen shouting, "I got your hummer for ya!" at stunned festival crowds.
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Feeling fat? In need of saving? Have I got the program for you, Catholocise. This is the fitness regimen of God. That’s right, God, not Xenu, God. I mean, really, is anybody in better shape than God? No, he’s still alive and kicking. Rumor is he’s tanning it up in some unknown South Pacific Isle sipping on Bahama Mamas. Enough of our savior, back to the exercise. This is one hard core routine from running the pew obstacle course to kneeling and standing in rapid succession. Your class will start with the very regimented pew obstacle and people navigation, cause everybody wants the prime end pew seat, thus the hurdling-over the pew and through the olds, blah, blah, blah. After the obstacles comes the aerobic exercise of deep breathing in prayer followed up by some rousing singing. Gah, oops, Dear God, tired yet? Feel the burn. No, no quenching of the thirst with the blood of Christ you sinners! Work it sinners! Sweat out Satan! Step it up a bit, onto the kneeling and standing. Up, down, up, down, feel the aching back and stand. Raise your hands to heaven.and…breathe. Good. Time for the circuit where you will be lured by food and drink known as the body and blood of Christ. Yes, donkey run for that carrot! There are a few hundred of you in church today and there are only a dozen Christ Crackers and enough Blood of Christ vintage 1 AD for a lucky few. So run lambs of God, run! He only helps those non-fatties that help themselves. Now race back to the prime pew seats, hurdle some olds and reach for your wallet. God’s Bank of Little Lambs is looking a little poor, cash or check it’s all good. Donate it’s good for your soul. All that money carries diseases anyway. We’re here to save you. That’s what we’re gonna do too. We need you to be able to defend yourself against the likes of false idols like Xenu on top of Mt. Spaghetti. Kneel again, sing your praises to God! Sing lambs! Sin for your soul and scare away those demons. As we end our session, let’s say our holiest of prayers.
Our father, who art not fat, hallowed be thy cheeks.
Thy kingdom come.
Thy will be done, on Earth fat as it is in heaven.
Give us not this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our cellulite,
As we forgive those who body mass is lower than ours.
And lead us not into temptation, and deliver us from Cheetos.
Feeling fat? In need of saving? Have I got the program for you, Catholocise. This is the fitness regimen of God. That’s right, God, not Xenu, God. I mean, really, is anybody in better shape than God? No, he’s still alive and kicking. Rumor is he’s tanning it up in some unknown South Pacific Isle sipping on Bahama Mamas. Enough of our savior, back to the exercise. This is one hard core routine from running the pew obstacle course to kneeling and standing in rapid succession. Your class will start with the very regimented pew obstacle and people navigation, cause everybody wants the prime end pew seat, thus the hurdling-over the pew and through the olds, blah, blah, blah. After the obstacles comes the aerobic exercise of deep breathing in prayer followed up by some rousing singing. Gah, oops, Dear God, tired yet? Feel the burn. No, no quenching of the thirst with the blood of Christ you sinners! Work it sinners! Sweat out Satan! Step it up a bit, onto the kneeling and standing. Up, down, up, down, feel the aching back and stand. Raise your hands to heaven.and…breathe. Good. Time for the circuit where you will be lured by food and drink known as the body and blood of Christ. Yes, donkey run for that carrot! There are a few hundred of you in church today and there are only a dozen Christ Crackers and enough Blood of Christ vintage 1 AD for a lucky few. So run lambs of God, run! He only helps those non-fatties that help themselves. Now race back to the prime pew seats, hurdle some olds and reach for your wallet. God’s Bank of Little Lambs is looking a little poor, cash or check it’s all good. Donate it’s good for your soul. All that money carries diseases anyway. We’re here to save you. That’s what we’re gonna do too. We need you to be able to defend yourself against the likes of false idols like Xenu on top of Mt. Spaghetti. Kneel again, sing your praises to God! Sing lambs! Sin for your soul and scare away those demons. As we end our session, let’s say our holiest of prayers.
Our father, who art not fat, hallowed be thy cheeks.
Thy kingdom come.
Thy will be done, on Earth fat as it is in heaven.
Give us not this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our cellulite,
As we forgive those who body mass is lower than ours.
And lead us not into temptation, and deliver us from Cheetos.
In a very humble and gracious move, Jezebel has posted a link to our SLC Outsider site. Thank you Moe if you are reading this. May we link together in the future for more fun.
Well, good times. I did not want to come home from burying a relative to see my buddy Adam's idea so brazenly ripped off. Apparently Jezebel found our SLC Outsider contributions funny. My, and my friends ratings, were up prior to their post and they were funny. Jezebel's unfortunately are not. There is a great shame in that as I would have been most flattered and found it funny if they followed the same format and posted hysterical "Do want/Do not want" descriptions . Too bad Jezebels, another moment where you were too earnest. Gawker seems to have its snide groove back on, maybe you should visit the site of your founding fathers more often. Especially since Nick Denton has my undying gratitude for the Tom Cruise Scientology video.
Monday, January 14, 2008
Bobby Blobby and the tale of 3 Fish

Today has been another sad day in my household. My uncle passed away, specifically my father-in-law's brother. We heard the news yesterday, but the obituary was in the paper today. It's so final when you see it in the paper with other people's loved ones. We are not alone in our grief. There has been a cloud of sadness surrounding the town where I live. One of the most tragic was a 13 year old girl killed while crossing a local highway. The story is she was talking to her friend while crossing the road and dropped her cell phone. Following natural instinct, she bent down to pick it up; the driver of a pick-up did not see her in time. Her friend on the phone heard the horror of it all. To make it even worse, if possible, it turns out that they were neighbors on the same street. Colleagues of mine who know both families say the man, the driver, has not gone home since the accident. Tragic. My neighbor's daughter knew the girl well and has been rather depressed since the accident. A friend of hers noted how she was not her usual self and decided to cheer he up by giving her fish, three little gold fish. My neighbor's daughter now checks on these three little fish every morning before school. Three new lives she is guarding like a mother hen in the face of the loss of her friend. I think this is how we pay our way; how we pay it forward in the circle of life. Many have said that we pay off our debt to our parents off when we raise our own children. I believe this. Bobby Blobby showed me this today. In all of my sadness, the tale of Bobby Blobby made me laugh, a lot. My 11 year old, one of the young men currently helping pay off my debt to my parents, gave me the book he wrote in school today, Bobby Blobby. So, as part of my daily counting of the blessings, I can add Bobby Blobby and three little fish.
*Scroll bottom up to read Bobby Blobby in order. He tells me his next Seussian styling is Bobby Blobby gets a hobby.
Friday, January 11, 2008
Party on f*ckers!
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Tata, Tata

Huh, after studying its oh so sexy profile for a few minutes, and rethinking the name, the Tata would make a fine set of tatas strapped onto Godzilla. Go ahead, turn your head to the side, study the pic and imagine. It's totally in your head now isn't it?
Maybe I'll take two...
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
Well, look who decided to return...Teh Jewgr

Yeah, yeah, yeah..look who finally decided to return after his long "whoa look how long our 1 day supply of oil lasted, like 8 days, cool bra.." stupid holiday. Yes folks my bounty hunters finally found, bound and snared my pet, Jewgr. Without any further acknowledgement what-so-ever.....
"Well here we go again. I just recently moved to a small town somewhere below the Mason Dickson line. I made the mistake of letting on to a neighbor that I was Jewish and after a rather uncomfortable pause he looked dead in the eye and said “you people killed my lord”. Now, I could have come up with the standard answer, no it was the Romans but if you think about it he was right, we did kill Jesus. Let’s face it, he was a trouble maker. Healing people on the Sabbath, throwing the money lenders out of the Temple . Rendering unto Caesar. But wait, wasn’t his death preordained? Wasn’t this God’s plan all along? We were just following orders. Instead of being persecuted all these years we should be congratulated, a pat on our collective backs would be nice. But some how I don’t see that happening. Maybe I should just hide my horns under my hat, put my tail between my legs and move out of this town. "-Jewgr
Maybe you shouldn't have tried escaping! Serves you right you lazy, good for no..oh sorry, private meeting folks.
No menorah lights for YOU!!hahahahaha!Tuesday, January 8, 2008

OMG! There is a new Bravo show coming out. How to be a supermodel with Tyson Beckford and Niki Taylor. I soo have everything they are looking for! They are looking for short people with frizzy hair, right? On a serious note, am I the only one fed up with the "reality" of reality television? How much more do we need to see? There are now interventions, dance offs, singing idols, makeovers for home and people, pet stars and famous people doing a whole lot of nuttin'. What else is left? Cartoons have actually become more of an intellectual outlet. It's true. Not the new cartoons out, but Tom and Jerry and Wile E. Coyote. You know why? They kept quiet! Private lives stayed that way. We don't know if Wile E. had a drinking problem or illigitimate children. There was never a news flash about Tom wearing someone else's coke pants. Jerry didn't look 5 years old one day and mysteriously 2 years old the next. I don't know of Elmer Fudd going to jail for beating up Hiawatha, or if she was adopted or not. Bugs Bunny's mom was not seen out at bars drinking with him and his friends. Speedy Gonzales didn't attack the papparazzi with an umbrella. There was a Tom and Jerry episode, the (ze) cat that (zat) could play and the (ze) mouse that (zat) could dance, but it wasn't a competition and they weren't dancing with Foghorn Leghorn and PePe LePew. So go home stars and wannabes; we don't want to hear that your dog pooped on a dress. Keep it at home!
Monday, January 7, 2008
GM shoves head further up own ass

Great googly moogly. I do not know what else to say. A headline in Yahoo odd news states GM Envisions Driverless Cars. Say huh, what? I thought the launch of the Nova in Spanish speaking countries was a good one. No va literally means it doesn't go, sweet! Go marketing team. Now this. With my recent Chevy experience this seems to be their goal anyway. With not one, but two chevy truck transmission breakdowns. It all makes sense now. My trucks got wind of the driverless GM vision. They MUST have looked at each other and thought "Driverless, YES!" Mine, however took it a step further with DRIVELESS! I always knew my trucks were smart, little did I know. They're smarter! What else could GM's vision be of use to? about rudderless ships? Beerless beer? Coffeeless coffee? You know what? Fuck it! I vote for peopleless people. We are such a messy bunch that doeas nothing, but come up with STUPID ideas! Let's just cut to the chase. Some peopleless people I'd like to read about: Britneyless Britney, Parisless Paris, Lindsayless Lindsay. Ha! I could go on for days, but how about my commenter friends send in a few?
Gawkerus on Mt Olympus reimagined!
Today on Mt. Olympus
High atop Mt. Olympus ZeuSLC, God of commenters, bellowed to Hezrodite, goddess of love and beauty, demanding his Gawkerus update. Hezrodite, never late with the updates, was horrified at the news she would have to bring to ZeuSLC. Dentonius was acting up again. All remember well the hellfire that rained from the mountain top the last time Dentonius got greedy with power. Will the Titans never learn?
Hezrodite meekly approached ZeuSLC and began. Dentonius had fired Tionnias, Emilias had quit and so had Choires. Dentonius was now posting. The only good news seemed to be the ascension of Lolcaitos from commenter to writer. ZeuSLC thundered from the hall for all gods and goddesses to come immediately. Dentonius needed to be dealt with swiftly.
Kewgathena, goddess of wisdom, war and crafts, arrived first with her consort Notares, god of war. They both wore worried expressions as they were never pulled from their struggle with the Iraq war. Next to arrive was Moffonysos, god of wine, mysteries and theater, who was having a real time of things with the writers strike in Hollywood. “Who would bother me now?” he thought. Hippermes (messenger of ZeuSLC), Spiritartemis (goddess of the hunt), Leedemeter (goddess of agriculture), DCDoseidon (god of sea and earthquakes), Cesaraistos (god of smiths and metal-workers), Obviousera (goddess of marriage)and Binkapollo (god of the arts) all arrived within a few minutes of the call. Those unable to make it would have to read the meeting’s minutes.
ZeuSLC called the meeting to order and Hezrodite started to speak…
Hezrodite: Fellow Olympians, we have a problem on our hands. Dentonius is changing Gawkerus’ platform. He is trying to become a legitimate news outlet.
[boos, hissing, murmurs,laughter]
ZeuSLC: ORDER!! Now is not the time for pandemonium. We need a plan of action of how to deal with this. Where will we get our snark now? What do we do with Dentonius? These are the issues that need addressing.
Notares: We could declare war on Gawkerus!
Kewgathena: Notares, normally I would agree with you, my beloved, but how can we declare war on just one Titan?
Binkapollo: I agree with Kewgathena, war will not work in such a case.
Moffynosos: I really need more wine to deal with this. I already have my hands full trying to deal with the return of the New York stagehands. Such a whiny lot.
Spiritartemis: I say we hunt him down!
Obviousera: Oh, and then what Spiritartemis? Eat him? He would be a mere few seconds of sport.
Leedemeter: I’d say catch him and plant his seeds, but that sounds all wrong.
DCDoseidon: We could always drown him.
ZeuSLC: DCDoseidon, that sounds good and all, but we are not finding a resolution for Gawkerus.
Cesaraistos: Leave Gawkerus to the Titans; it is rightfully theirs.
[whispers among the crowd]
Cesaraistos: Yes, I said it, leave Gawkerus to the Titans. Why not start our own? Are we not smart enough?
ZeuSLC: Cesaraistos, I believe you are on to something.
Kewgathena: Cesaraistos, I could kiss you! You are right. Why not start our own?
Notares: Could we do this? What would we write about?
Kewgathena: I could write about weapons and crafts. Why, I’ve even been known to draw here and there.
Hezrodite: I could write about love, and of course, revenge. Wait until you all see what I’m going to do to that JP fool!
Obviousera: Can’t we at least have some fun at Dentonius’ expense? Like marry him off to Alexsey Vaynor?
Binkapollo: We could boycott Gawkerus for a time to see what happens?
Notares: Always the peacekeeper, aren’t you Binkapollo?
Binkapollo: Remember the last time you said such a thing? Or do you need another arrow in your gluteus maximus?
Kewgathena: Boys, enough already. I believe a boycott is a logical solution for the time being. We could always throw darts at his picture instead.
Hippermes: ZeuSLC, is there a message to be delivered to Dentonius?
ZeuSLC: No, Hippermes, there is no message for Dentonius, but please contact our lawyer, Karena. She can help us with our next move.
ZeuSLC: Adam/SLC
Hezrodite: Hez
Kewgathena: Kewgr
Notares: NotAndersonCooper
Tionnias: Tionna
Lolcaitos: Richard LOLCait Lawson
Binkapollo: Binky’s Dream
Moffynosos: Moff
Spiritartemis: Spirit Fingers
Obviousera: The Obvious Child
Hippermes: Mr Hippity
Cesaraistos: Cesare
Karena: Karen Uh Oh
DCDoseidon: DCD
The rest are self explanatory and I am leaving room to introduce more
characters before anyone’s feelings get hurt.
[I still have a fever if you are wondering.]
High atop Mt. Olympus ZeuSLC, God of commenters, bellowed to Hezrodite, goddess of love and beauty, demanding his Gawkerus update. Hezrodite, never late with the updates, was horrified at the news she would have to bring to ZeuSLC. Dentonius was acting up again. All remember well the hellfire that rained from the mountain top the last time Dentonius got greedy with power. Will the Titans never learn?
Hezrodite meekly approached ZeuSLC and began. Dentonius had fired Tionnias, Emilias had quit and so had Choires. Dentonius was now posting. The only good news seemed to be the ascension of Lolcaitos from commenter to writer. ZeuSLC thundered from the hall for all gods and goddesses to come immediately. Dentonius needed to be dealt with swiftly.
Kewgathena, goddess of wisdom, war and crafts, arrived first with her consort Notares, god of war. They both wore worried expressions as they were never pulled from their struggle with the Iraq war. Next to arrive was Moffonysos, god of wine, mysteries and theater, who was having a real time of things with the writers strike in Hollywood. “Who would bother me now?” he thought. Hippermes (messenger of ZeuSLC), Spiritartemis (goddess of the hunt), Leedemeter (goddess of agriculture), DCDoseidon (god of sea and earthquakes), Cesaraistos (god of smiths and metal-workers), Obviousera (goddess of marriage)and Binkapollo (god of the arts) all arrived within a few minutes of the call. Those unable to make it would have to read the meeting’s minutes.
ZeuSLC called the meeting to order and Hezrodite started to speak…
Hezrodite: Fellow Olympians, we have a problem on our hands. Dentonius is changing Gawkerus’ platform. He is trying to become a legitimate news outlet.
[boos, hissing, murmurs,laughter]
ZeuSLC: ORDER!! Now is not the time for pandemonium. We need a plan of action of how to deal with this. Where will we get our snark now? What do we do with Dentonius? These are the issues that need addressing.
Notares: We could declare war on Gawkerus!
Kewgathena: Notares, normally I would agree with you, my beloved, but how can we declare war on just one Titan?
Binkapollo: I agree with Kewgathena, war will not work in such a case.
Moffynosos: I really need more wine to deal with this. I already have my hands full trying to deal with the return of the New York stagehands. Such a whiny lot.
Spiritartemis: I say we hunt him down!
Obviousera: Oh, and then what Spiritartemis? Eat him? He would be a mere few seconds of sport.
Leedemeter: I’d say catch him and plant his seeds, but that sounds all wrong.
DCDoseidon: We could always drown him.
ZeuSLC: DCDoseidon, that sounds good and all, but we are not finding a resolution for Gawkerus.
Cesaraistos: Leave Gawkerus to the Titans; it is rightfully theirs.
[whispers among the crowd]
Cesaraistos: Yes, I said it, leave Gawkerus to the Titans. Why not start our own? Are we not smart enough?
ZeuSLC: Cesaraistos, I believe you are on to something.
Kewgathena: Cesaraistos, I could kiss you! You are right. Why not start our own?
Notares: Could we do this? What would we write about?
Kewgathena: I could write about weapons and crafts. Why, I’ve even been known to draw here and there.
Hezrodite: I could write about love, and of course, revenge. Wait until you all see what I’m going to do to that JP fool!
Obviousera: Can’t we at least have some fun at Dentonius’ expense? Like marry him off to Alexsey Vaynor?
Binkapollo: We could boycott Gawkerus for a time to see what happens?
Notares: Always the peacekeeper, aren’t you Binkapollo?
Binkapollo: Remember the last time you said such a thing? Or do you need another arrow in your gluteus maximus?
Kewgathena: Boys, enough already. I believe a boycott is a logical solution for the time being. We could always throw darts at his picture instead.
Hippermes: ZeuSLC, is there a message to be delivered to Dentonius?
ZeuSLC: No, Hippermes, there is no message for Dentonius, but please contact our lawyer, Karena. She can help us with our next move.
ZeuSLC: Adam/SLC
Hezrodite: Hez
Kewgathena: Kewgr
Notares: NotAndersonCooper
Tionnias: Tionna
Lolcaitos: Richard LOLCait Lawson
Binkapollo: Binky’s Dream
Moffynosos: Moff
Spiritartemis: Spirit Fingers
Obviousera: The Obvious Child
Hippermes: Mr Hippity
Cesaraistos: Cesare
Karena: Karen Uh Oh
DCDoseidon: DCD
The rest are self explanatory and I am leaving room to introduce more
characters before anyone’s feelings get hurt.
[I still have a fever if you are wondering.]
Sunday, January 6, 2008
Chevy, Chevy, Chevy...*sigh*
Hello all. Below is the missive I sent in to Chevy's website.
I am most concerned that my transmission needed a $1087.59 repair for a valve assembly right before Christmas which was not warranty covered due to mileage.This is n addition to our Chevy Silverado needing similar valve assembly work, which was covered, at 29,578 miles. We are committed Chevrolet owners/consumers, but we are very disappointed at this problem in our 2 new 2003 vehicles. Our previous 1985 IROC-Z Camaro and 1995 Monte Carlo are still running without trouble. The Monte is on all original parts while the Camaro is on a rebuilt transmission. The transmission did not need work until almost 120,000 miles and was still running with over 175,000 when I sold it. The Monte Carlo is still running with over 130,000 miles with its new owner. Now here we are with our upgraded vehicles which needed near overhauls well before 100,000 miles on the Trailblazer and not even 50,000 on the Silverado. Oh, and to top it off I smell antifreeze coming through the vents when I start the heater on the Trailblazer, which means the heater core is going. I know since I had one go on an old 1992 Blazer. In short we are NOT happy when we used to be very happy Chevy owners. I'd like to hear good news from GM or we may have to make our next vehicle a non-GM. Please help. We love our trucks, but no longer trust them which is sad.We would have written sooner, but this happened right before Christmas which, being middle class, was devastating for us.
John and Gina Spencer
I am most concerned that my transmission needed a $1087.59 repair for a valve assembly right before Christmas which was not warranty covered due to mileage.This is n addition to our Chevy Silverado needing similar valve assembly work, which was covered, at 29,578 miles. We are committed Chevrolet owners/consumers, but we are very disappointed at this problem in our 2 new 2003 vehicles. Our previous 1985 IROC-Z Camaro and 1995 Monte Carlo are still running without trouble. The Monte is on all original parts while the Camaro is on a rebuilt transmission. The transmission did not need work until almost 120,000 miles and was still running with over 175,000 when I sold it. The Monte Carlo is still running with over 130,000 miles with its new owner. Now here we are with our upgraded vehicles which needed near overhauls well before 100,000 miles on the Trailblazer and not even 50,000 on the Silverado. Oh, and to top it off I smell antifreeze coming through the vents when I start the heater on the Trailblazer, which means the heater core is going. I know since I had one go on an old 1992 Blazer. In short we are NOT happy when we used to be very happy Chevy owners. I'd like to hear good news from GM or we may have to make our next vehicle a non-GM. Please help. We love our trucks, but no longer trust them which is sad.We would have written sooner, but this happened right before Christmas which, being middle class, was devastating for us.
John and Gina Spencer
The little outlet that could

Like I mentioned to some of mycommenter friends; we narrowly avoided a major house fire. The Thursday after Christmas I was up late making lasagna, no big deal right? Wrong! I have an old mixer, like so many other old things in my house, and it got very hot. When my husband came home, shortly after I put the lasagnas in the oven, I told him about the mixer. I told him the plug was so hot when I pulled it out of the wall that it burnt my hand and I was going to throw it away. He asked if I was certain it was the mixer. Uh, oh.. I plugged the mixer into another outlet and it ran without even getting warm. So he pulled the kitchen table away from the wall and the wall was actually glowing. THE OUTLET WAS ON FIRE!! He ran downstairs and cut the power to that outlet, which also cut power to a few other lights-joy. The next step was getting the volt meter to make sure the power was dead. When certain the power was cut, he removed the outlet from wall and the blue box was melted and the wires were smoldering. At least there was no actual fire. So we waited from there to make sure the wall was cooling down or the fire department would have to be called. We were up until 3 AM. So, yes, this was the little outlet that could have burned down our house via a wall fire then spreading. Fire would have raced up our steps like an Olympian. All because of one loose wire. One loose wire caused all the arcing that burt the wire. Narrow, my friends, narrow.
Some interior photos of my house

Photo 1: exterior of my home
Photo 2: office pic showing my antique secretary desk and my tricycle horse
Photo 3: aother pic in office with Tiffany style lamp
Photo 4: close up of one of my Chippendale style mahogany chairs, there are eight total
Photo 5: staircase to second floor, you can see where we have been stripping, someone painted the entire staircase-ugh, the steps are oak and all trim ,banister, newel post are pine; can also see 2 of my swords and my High Elven shield and Peeping Tom my suit of armor
Photo 6: another pic of dining room showing the antque pine door with leaded glass
Photo 7: another pic in dining room showing my mahogany buffet and my Herugrim sword of King Theoden
Photo 8: another pic in dining room showing my mahogany breakfront, it is a massive 7 plus feet tall and about as wide, also seen is Anduril the sword of Aragorn, and a second age Gondorian shield and banner
Feel free to call me a geek over the swords; I'm used to it. That's all for now as I am still cleaning up the Christmas clutter and trying to recover from the cold from hell.
Saturday, January 5, 2008
To Gawk, or not to Gawk? That is the question.
Where do I start? I am just as overwhelmed with the recent Gawker changes as many of my fellow commenters. There is one major hitch with this; none of us are Denton. Gawker Media is Denton's big boy toy to do with as he sees fit whether the commenters like it or not. I am not going to go around bad-mouthing (bad-writing) Gawker because it brought many good things to my attention. The best of these "things" are the commenters. I have never really belonged to a group or a club and it was heaven sent to be granted commenting priviliges by Balk's Cock himself. A God among cocks if there ever was one. Yes, I just said that-hah! But I digress, back to Gawker and its evolution. One of the sadder losses, aside the editors which are becoming to numerous to name, is Tionna Smalls. Now I am typically not vicious while commenting, but this did draw out some of my ire. The removal of Tionna was insidiously timed with the addition of Julia Allison live blogging..? Who is Julia Allison you ask? I really don't know other than the appearance of her breasts, repeatedly, on Gawker and she dated Jakob Lodwick from College Humor. Honestly, neither of these accomplishments move me. Julia was introduced to the commenters through our lovely LOLcait AKA Richard Lawson, who was recently promoted. (Good for LOLcait) This itself caused some confusion. The commenters as a whole love LOLcait, but are less than impressed with JA. So to support Richard, we ended up supporting JA. Well played, Denton. Well, like I mentioned previously I do not know anything about JA so I did ask her a real question; I did not skewer her. After all, the Gawker changes were not brought on by her. Well, the cold meds are wearing me down again so I will be watching from the wings and probably not actively participating in Gawker, at least not for a while. One final question before parting, Denton if you happen to read this, 2 girls 1 cup with videos..why?
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