Saturday, December 8, 2007

Holiday Shopping

What is wrong with people? Holiday shopping is a nightmare as is, but stupid people really up the ante. I returned an item to the store that was broken. Here comes stupid..
Clerk: So you don't want it?
Me: No, it's broken.
Clerk: So you want to return it?
Me: Uh, yes.
Clerk: So you don't want it?
Me: [just staring at talking vegetable clerk in disbelief]
Clerk: cash or store credit?
Me: [shakes head to return to unfortunate reality] cash is fine

Oh, another fine example of oddball store encounters. I stopped into a local Heritage's for coffee on the way to school the other night and as I walked in some guy walked by me and said something like "mm, mm, are you a fine lookin' woman." Sounding like a derelict Hanibal is not the way to my heart, even if it sounds like you only want to eat it, freak.

Anybody else out there on teh interwebs remember when a gas station attendant would actually ask you questions? It used to be pretty standard that the attendant would ask you if you wanted your oil and fluids, like washer fluid, checked. Now you are greeted my some crank who just walks to the window and stares. And stares some more, yet does not speak. Hmmm. Alrighty then. "Can I have 40 of the regular, please?" This is met with more silence as I hand over the card. Nope, still nothing-oh, no wait..The attendant asks "30?" Me, "no 40." More nothing as he walks away. I hear Jeopary music....The attendant returns with slip to sign and thrusts it through window, like up my nose, no words though. So I sign and return saying thank you...yeah, didn't think he'd say anything. Have a nice day to you too, pal.

God, I'm old and cranky.

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