Hello there fine folks. I managed to drain enough of the Jewgr's blood using my special crystal to get another post out of him. Apparently writing for his Shiksa boss is a small step above death. A very, very small one. So here it is another angry Jew bulletin.
"I am proud to admit to being politically incorrect. Perhaps even a bit misanthropic. Poking fun at our foibles is one way of keeping us grounded. There is even some kernel of truth to the stereotypes of race, religion, and ethnicity. Even our regional differences are open to ridicule, and rightly so.
Now having bored you with this pedantic tripe I would like to tell you about a friend of mine who felt the need of some religious inspiration. He decided to travel to the holy land, to walk the desert and reflect. While hiking, he thought he saw three figures approaching in the distance, a man walking next to a donkey and on the donkey was a woman holding a child. Needless to say he couldn’t believe his eyes. Approaching the man he inquired as to his name. Joseph was the reply, and that woman who is she? That is my wife Mary. At this point my friend had chills running up and down his spine. With great reverence he asked, the child that your wife is holding is his name Jesus. At which point the man said what we look like Puerto Ricans to you? Wishing you all a very merry X-Mass "-Jewgr
Well, well, well...isn't that special. Who should be more offended? Puerto Ricans, Catholics, Jews? How about none of you! It's a damn joke, let it go people. OK, it was a lousy joke, but a joke none the less. So in light, or lack there of, of this joke I am forced to remove a few bulbs from his menorah. So hah! Who's a Shiksa now?! Oh yeah me..whatever..
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